About BerylBit

The Berylbit blockchain network is the proper solution to all problems with crypto coins. It is a forked EVM network, Berylbit utilizes the power of both Ethereum and cryptocurrency. Through the forked Ethereum chain, it makes Berylbit more secure and scalable. The blockchain can expand with its increase in blocks or users. Berylbit aims to provide more and more utility and use cases through which it's users can earn benefits—use cases like unRug dex SWAP.

By combining the power of blockchain and cryptocurrency, we created a better idea than any other idea available in the market. Berylbit is the first project with an actual utility on top of the community's efforts to hold and grow.

Berylbit's mission is to bring popular cryptocurrency concepts to the mainstream. Unlike older, similar projects, Berylbit introduces holders to next-gen concepts such as unRug Dex SWAP and more. Just like any blockchain company, we believe that cryptocurrencies are the best financial tool that can help to bank the unbanked population, and also open them up to the already existing financial opportunities already provided by traditional banking services they previously had no access to too.

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